135g Mixed Reef: ALL my FAVORITE Corals! (Full Walkthrough)

A lot has changed in the 135g mixed reef tank since the last time we really talked about it. Most interestingly, after swearing off soft corals in this tank, I found myself adding more and more softies into this system, I guess I do have a soft spot for soft corals!

Aside from the new softies, I also picked up some new LPS, and restarted my SPS collection after the SPS crash earlier in the year, thanks to generous local reefers.

Items shown in this video:
Net Pots (Amazon): https://amzn.to/3pj7e85
2″ Ceramic Frag Disc (Amazon): https://amzn.to/3r2yGHJ
Yellow Gloves (Amazon): https://amzn.to/3njwn1p

0:00 Why we skipped a video
1:42 Tank’s General Parameters
2:43 Keep adding Soft Corals…
9:18 Tough decisions with the Fish
13:39 More LPS than I thought I had
21:01 SPS bouncing back
31:53 What I dose in this system
Instagram: @inappropriatereefer
Email: inappropriatereefer@gmail.com


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