4 Short Stories + 4 GREAT Channels!!

Please enjoy this updates on the Reef Jar, 9.1g Planted Tank, Domino Damsel, LFS haul! Also please check out these 4 reef channels that I have really enjoyed in the last few months:

Gene Harm: https://www.youtube.com/user/eharm2net

Rae’s Aquaria: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCextmK9717g5zhMYupTp4eQ

Brian’s Aquariums: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz0Jre0MMNzQRd-8RQzswUQ

Yohan M: https://www.youtube.com/user/Kiltouplas
Inappropriate Reefer #ReefSquad T-Shirt: http://www.teespring.com/reefsquad/
Follow me on Instagram @inappropriatereefer
Connect on FB @ Inappropriate Reefer
Music by: DJ Quads, Jeff Kaale, Johnny Rock
Please feel free to email me for any question, sponsorship or product review opportunities: inappropriatereefer@gmail.com


About The Author

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