Tis the season for corals! We attended the Mason Dixon Reef Club frag swap at That Fish Place / That Pet Place. Local frag swaps are THE PLACE to get nice and affordable corals! If you have local frag events, be sure to check it out! “Beware of Palytoxin” Tshirt (Amazon): https://amzn.to/2WWco9L #MasonDixonReefClub #FragSwap #ThatPetPlace […]
This is the very first year of Aquashella and it certainly exceeded my expectation! It is a Chicago based freshwater, saltwater, art and music festival that spans Saturday and Sunday. Enjoy the video! Fearlessly Create Podcast with Remy: https://www.podcastone.com/episode/35—Going-from-Generalist-to-Specialist-Paid-Off-for-the-Inappropriate-Reefer Hanging out with melevsreef: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Su4a5Se5ms Aidanyoutube 10’s Aquashella Experience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoWh8vjaygo Logan’s Reef’s Coralfish12g Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-GKjGrUV8c Coralfish12g’s […]
After two years, I have finally returned to another big swap! It felt a little surreal as it has been awhile yet still felt so familiar. This year’s RAPNY had just the right amount of crowd due to the 4 time slots crowd control and wider paths between booths. Corals also seems to be more […]
When I asked for LFS recommendation for Toronto Canada, two really stood out: Frag Box & Big Al’s. The timing for this trip was very tight, while I was not able to check out Frag Box, I did have a Big Al’s right down the street from my AirBnB, so we swung by for a […]
The National Aquarium (AKA Baltimore Aquarium) – is a stable for my public aquarium fix as I live semi-close by. It has been a few years since I visited as heavy crowd never made for a enjoyable experience (it is a popular aquarium!). With the pandemic, National Aquarium implemented a time-slot entry system, paired with […]
MACNA is one of the longest running saltwater aquarium trade show in the country, and it was in Las Vegas for 2018! It was my first MACNA and I was blown away by the scale of this event. Besides the fantastic speakers, vendors, and professionals, it was like a reunion of all my favorite Youtubers. […]
Check out the Maxon Dixon Reef Club’s Frag Swap 2018! Learn more about the club at their site: http://www.mdreefclub.com Special thanks to That Fish Place / That Pet Place for always hosting local swaps! Check them out at: https://www.thatpetplace.com — Inappropriate Reefer #ReefSquad T-Shirt: http://www.teespring.com/reefsquad/ — Follow me on Instagram @inappropriatereefer Connect on FB @ […]
He actually cares. I am usually pretty cynical when it comes to environmental not-for-profit movements, but from John, I got an genuine vibe and I want to believe. Please hang tight when watching the video and be sure to stay until the end to hear about John and his Jr. Reef Keeper program. To learn […]
My local reef club WAMAS had it’s largest meeting of the year today. It’s call Frag Fest because there is a free frag give-away at the end of the meeting. The seahorse husbandy talk by Kyle from Seahorse Savvy was superb as well! source
First ever trip to the largest saltwater aquarium show in America, it was overwhelming to say the least! Links to all Youtubers that appeared in the video are listed below, be sure to check them out! — Fellow Saltwater Aquarium Channels in this video: Aquarium Activist: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyormZHv9PNO2TFNSXJINww Billy Pipes: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrB_7QL1-j0rbxRzyLB9vIw Coralust Reef Solutions: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGRLfjEVwRPqoTvpQxAGdeg Dave’s […]
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