Gold Fish Street of Hong Kong is famous for all the bagged up fish hanging on the wall. But did you know those fish typically get rebagged every morning? Come along for a deeper look at some of the stores at this unique Hong Kong aquarium attraction! — Inappropriate Reefer #ReefSquad T-Shirt: — Follow […]
After two years, I have finally returned to another big swap! It felt a little surreal as it has been awhile yet still felt so familiar. This year’s RAPNY had just the right amount of crowd due to the 4 time slots crowd control and wider paths between booths. Corals also seems to be more […]
Apparently you could mail postcards underwater, at least you could in Taiwan! Join us me and my friends as we visit Green Island of Taiwan (綠島 台灣) for 4 action-packed days, where we SCUBA to mail postcards out in a underwater mailbox! Beautiful Drone footage by: @siumine (Instagram) — Inappropriate Reefer #ReefSquad T-Shirt: — […]
Reef-a-Palooza is one of the largest saltwater aquarium show in the world. I am lucky enough to live semi-close to the New York / New Jersey show to make it out to the Reef-a-Palooza of New York 2019. As always, huge amount of vendors selling their top corals, and a great number of equipment manufacturers […]
While in Tokyo for a long weekend, I visited Sumida Aquarium at Skytree based on recommendations from folks on IG! It was a mind blowing experience seeing Mr. Takashi Amano’s nature aquariums. In terms of marine, the Garden Eel display was also nothing short of amazing. I am pretty motivated to somehow incorporate Garden Eels […]
My local reef club WAMAS had it’s largest meeting of the year today. It’s call Frag Fest because there is a free frag give-away at the end of the meeting. The seahorse husbandy talk by Kyle from Seahorse Savvy was superb as well! source
Every couple months That Fish Place That Pet Place in Lancaster PA would host a coral frag swap. This time it was a swap hosted by Reef Conservation Society. Come join my friends and I as we shop for corals and egg each other on for large purchases… — Inappropriate Reefer #ReefSquad T-Shirt: — […]
Top Shelf Aquatics is a very well loved LFS with friendly staff and an impressive farm. Austin and Remy shared with us some of the important things they learned working with Zoa and made a few recommendations for good beginner Acroporas. Austin also shared his experience with using Dragon Breath macro instead of cheato as […]
MACNA is one of the longest running saltwater aquarium trade show in the country, and it was in Las Vegas for 2018! It was my first MACNA and I was blown away by the scale of this event. Besides the fantastic speakers, vendors, and professionals, it was like a reunion of all my favorite Youtubers. […]
My first stop after getting off the plane was straight to World Wide Corals (WWC). Thanks to Chris and Frank, I was given a very extensive tour of their store and their farm, and was able to pick their brain on some reef keeping tips! — Inappropriate Reefer #ReefSquad T-Shirt: — Follow me on […]
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