Apparently you could mail postcards underwater, at least you could in Taiwan! Join us me and my friends as we visit Green Island of Taiwan (綠島 台灣) for 4 action-packed days, where we SCUBA to mail postcards out in a underwater mailbox! Beautiful Drone footage by: @siumine (Instagram) — Inappropriate Reefer #ReefSquad T-Shirt: — […]
This happened while I was away. source
It is no secret that the “Weeping Willow” leather coral is one of the most sought after soft coral at the moment. There are different morphs out on the market but this particular strand of Japanese Weeping Willow from the Canadian reefer Josh (@rapfrog on Instagram) has got to be one of the most impressive […]
Get Surfshark VPN at – Enter promo code INAPPROPRIATE for 83% off and get 3 extra months for free! — My worst fear happened. Major tank disaster while away on vacation. I knew this was likely happening but there wasn’t much I could do about it, while I expected the Anacroporas to go, I […]
As a part of my Taiwan + Japan adventure, we visited the Sunshine Aquarium located in Tokyo, Japan. It was a very, very crowded day but the aquarium surprised me with the amounts and range of exhibits. In particular, there is a super impressive Non-Photosynthetic Corals (NPS) Reef Tank that really caught my eyes. Fish-wise, […]
➜ Guide help for influencers regarding the law: USA PDF: USA: CAN: UK: AU: FR:,pas%20banaliser%20la%20violence%2C%20etc. GER: Can’t find it but (language issue) #werbung is probably not going to be enough in near future. 0:00 Intro 4:16 The influence of influencers 6:34 The word Honest […]
Thank you to this video’s sponsor, Aquarium Supply Online! You can visit them for your reefing needs at: Promo Code: “InappropriateReefer5” will give $5 off an order of $25 or more. “InappropriateReefer25” will give $25 off an order of $75 or more. — By now most reefers in the reef aquarium hobby has heard […]
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