Lots of random topics to cover today: a documentary by Snorkel Bob is supposed to be coming out called “The Dark Hobby”. From what I understand, it will take a very critical look at the ornamental fish aquarium trade. I share some quick initial thoughts in this video. That aside, I attempted to increase the […]
This week we put the $10 DIY fish acclimation box to use when we introduced a Molly Miller Blenny to the 135g system to tackle the growing aiptasia issue. While the blenny has not touched the aiptasia anemone yet (that I could see), I remain hopeful due to it’s fantastic reputation of pest control and […]
Tis the season for corals! We attended the Mason Dixon Reef Club frag swap at That Fish Place / That Pet Place. Local frag swaps are THE PLACE to get nice and affordable corals! If you have local frag events, be sure to check it out! “Beware of Palytoxin” Tshirt (Amazon): https://amzn.to/2WWco9L #MasonDixonReefClub #FragSwap #ThatPetPlace […]
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