It has been half a year since the Planted Axolotl tank (40g breeder) has been up and running. During this time I have learned a lot, here are the top questions I have received! #Axolotl #AxolotlTankSetup #AxolotlPlantedTank — Inappropriate Reefer ReefSquad T-Shirt: — Follow me on Instagram @inappropriatereefer Connect on FB @ Inappropriate Reefer […]
With the wedding happening in two weeks, I will be skipping a few weeks of videos in order to get everything ready. Before I go, thought I would do a snap shot on all 4 tanks: 45g reef tank, 9g planted tank, 40g Axolotl tank, and the 10g Budget Nano Reef tank. #BudgetNanoReef #MiniCompleteTank #ReefTank […]
Usually, Axolotl and Plants are oxymorons, but there are some successful examples online. Carrying on what seems to work in the previous 20g planted Axolotl tank and discarding what clearly did not work, I moved my two axolotls to their new 40 gallon breeder home with a few White Cloud Minnows as tankmates! — Inappropriate […]
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