Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you! I have received an My Aquarium Box from Mike of MASS Aquarium and wanted to show you guys what came in my box! My Aquarium Box: My Aquarium Box UK: MASS Aquarium: Aaron’s Aquarium: — #ReefSquad T-Shirt: — Music by: DJ Quads, Joakim […]
Update on the 17g Frogfish Dropoff tank! Below are the links mentioned in the video: 52mm Magnetic Filter Adapter Ring (Amazon): 52mm Filter Set (Amazon): *** It looks like the 52mm set is out of stock, this set looks like a rebranded product and should be the same thing, especially since the brown […]
Another long video (in fact, VERY long). Whenever I start recording I always find more and more things I wanted to talk about… sorry! — Music by: DJ Quads source
Hang on, this is going to be a long one… — Music by: DJ Quads source
Top 3 questions I receive on Frogfish: 1) Frogfish’s tank requirement? 2) What to feed a Frogfish? 3) Where can I find a Frogfish? — Smart ATO Micro (Amazon): 5g Auto-topoff Container (Amazon): — Reef Central’s Frogfish Files Thread: One of the few threads on why freshwater feeder may not be good […]
Monthly update on the 17g Dropoff Frogfish tank! Follow me on Instagram for immediate updates: @inappropriatereefer — Music by: DJ Quads, panthurr source
The 17g Dropoff tank was set up with a Frogfish in mind, after half a year the tank has finally matured enough to host it’s first frogfish! — Music by: DJ Quads & panthurr source
Recently I got my hands on the pre-launch, super sleek looking Flat One from ONF. I had a chance to test out the light and see how it renders coral color in my existing 45g mixed reef tank. Check out the ONF Flat One’s Kickstarter campaign: source
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