Latest update on the 45g tank, we are going 4K! — Inappropriate Reefer #ReefSquad T-Shirt: — Follow me on Instagram @inappropriatereefer Connect on FB @ Inappropriate Reefer — Music by: DJ Quads, Jeff Kaale, falcxne — Please feel free to email me for any question, sponsorship or product review opportunities: source
A long overdue 45g cube aquarium update. Let me explain as I net the Green Chromis shoal and prepare the Fiji Yellow Leather for leaving the tank. Also allow me to show you the corals I picked up at the Lancaster Frag Swap, as well as my effort in re-aquascaping a small portion of the […]
After close to a year of searching, we finally found a male Yasha Goby to pair with the female in the tank! Although things took a dark twist… I also looked into the mysterious bald spots on the Montipora Cap, as well as possibly rehoming the Blue Green Chromis as they are out-growing the 45g […]
Instagram: @inappropriatereefer Email: — Music by: DJ Quads, falcxne source
WAMAS Zoanthid Grow-out Contest: — Music by: DJ Quads & falcxne source
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