The reefing season is back with a vengeance! There have been multiple frag swaps & club meeting, meeting up with local hobbyists, the reef aquarium activities have definitely picked up again! This video covered a lot of grounds; first I finally fragged the Bahamallama Weeping Willow Leather Coral, accidentally fragged the Jokercorals New York Knicks […]
Couple big events occurred this month — new corals, added the finishing touch to the 135g system’s theme, and a new baby. It has been a whirlwind of events and I am glad that you are here with me to witness them! DIY Cloud – Large (Amazon): DIY Cloud – Medium & Small […]
Sad start of the week as I lost the $50 PetCo clam that I got from the 2018 Reef-a-Palooza in NJ/NY. It was one of the few animals that I carried over from the 45g cube tank. Not sure on what happened but I have a guess or two. Second part of the video is […]
Here we go trying to jam everything into one video again! This week we introduced three Lyretail Anthias into the 135g MODE Aquarium, I got three healthy specimen from a local vendor The Reefer Spot (; we also received a high end coral order from Joker Corals ( Last but not least, we tried out […]
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