Where else would you find 7″ Maxima Clams for $150? Blue Ribbon Aquatics! While there, the owner John also shared some tips on how to properly acclimate fish & inverts, and how to best care for clams! Be sure to follow Blue Ribbon Aquatics on Facebook and @blueribbonaquatics on Instagram! — Inappropriate Reefer #ReefSquad T-Shirt: […]
The 45g tank had a little rocky time while I was away but it has recovered nicely. I’m surprised and happy to mention that the SPS are actually doing well for a change… I may try more SPS in this tank! #ReefTank #InappropriateReefer #ReefSquad — Inappropriate Reefer ReefSquad T-Shirt: http://www.teespring.com/reefsquad/ — Follow me on Instagram […]
Leather corals always have a special place in my twisted heart. Besides their interesting motion, they also serve as easy corals to provide fascinating form and texture in a reef tank. Check them out! — Inappropriate Reefer #ReefSquad T-Shirt: http://www.teespring.com/reefsquad/ — Follow me on Instagram @inappropriatereefer Connect on FB @ Inappropriate Reefer — Music by: […]
After two years, I have finally returned to another big swap! It felt a little surreal as it has been awhile yet still felt so familiar. This year’s RAPNY had just the right amount of crowd due to the 4 time slots crowd control and wider paths between booths. Corals also seems to be more […]
Triple unboxing this week! First we take a look at some corals and clam I picked up from a local hobbyist’s tank break down. Next we unboxed a Top Shelf Aquatics shipment that includes various SPS and a very nice Torch coral. Finally we received 5 very super nice zoas from a waffle that Lynn […]
Short update for this week – we frag up the Goldenrod and Miyagi Tort SPS, celebrate the tangs eating bubble algae, watch in horror as my Molly Miller Blenny pesters the Acans, cry as our baby clams are not the happiest… all things considered though, it was not a terrible week, could have been worse! […]
With a bit more knowledge under my belt and more confidence in the stability of my system, I finally pulled the trigger on adding a Maxima clam. I have been eyeing @clammania.ig’s live sales on IG for a long time and we even chatted a few times in previous years. The time just seems right. […]
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