My first stop after getting off the plane was straight to World Wide Corals (WWC). Thanks to Chris and Frank, I was given a very extensive tour of their store and their farm, and was able to pick their brain on some reef keeping tips! — Inappropriate Reefer #ReefSquad T-Shirt: — Follow me on […]
Yes, you can bring live fish and corals through TSA at the airport for US domestic flight. You can bring more than 3.1oz of liquid IF it has fish or coral in it (it means that the liquid is not dangerous and is life sustaining). Here is the TSA rule regarding live fish: Different […]
First ever trip to the largest saltwater aquarium show in America, it was overwhelming to say the least! Links to all Youtubers that appeared in the video are listed below, be sure to check them out! — Fellow Saltwater Aquarium Channels in this video: Aquarium Activist: Billy Pipes: Coralust Reef Solutions: Dave’s […]
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