We all know this is also coming, the eventual take down of the Budget Nano 10g Reef Tank. This little reef tank has introduced the more budget friendly and approachable side of reef keeping to many people, the spirit will live on in the 17g Mangrove tank that will under-go a revamp! — Music by: […]
So, here we are again, at the end of a century. Here is an update to the leaky 45g situation. While looking for solutions to the 150g’s bubble in the silicon seam, I was introduced to a product from Aquarium Munster to reinforce the silicon seals from the wet side. This video showed my poor […]
Not a happy update. My female Yasha Goby jumped half-way through the 1/8″ meshtop, got stuck, and passed away. This has happened once before with a Ruby Dragonet. I will be exploring better screen top / glass top option going forward. — Follow me on Instagram @inappropriatereefer Connect on FB @ Inappropriate Reefer Email me: […]
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