We got rocks! A few weeks ago I ordered rocks from both BulkReefSupply and Marine Depot. I ordered from two different sources due to cost and availability. I was especially curious whether the two MacroRocks are in fact the same… and they were. =) — Music by: DJ Quads — Instagram: @inappropriatereefer Email: inappropriatereefer@gmail.com source
So, here we are again, at the end of a century. Here is an update to the leaky 45g situation. While looking for solutions to the 150g’s bubble in the silicon seam, I was introduced to a product from Aquarium Munster to reinforce the silicon seals from the wet side. This video showed my poor […]
Tis the season for corals! We attended the Mason Dixon Reef Club frag swap at That Fish Place / That Pet Place. Local frag swaps are THE PLACE to get nice and affordable corals! If you have local frag events, be sure to check it out! “Beware of Palytoxin” Tshirt (Amazon): https://amzn.to/2WWco9L #MasonDixonReefClub #FragSwap #ThatPetPlace […]
Welcome to this insane multi-part video! We will visit some of the corals that my friend @telegraham (IG) took in and see how they are doing in his system. We will also go shopping at my local fish store the House of Tropicals to pick up some freshwater plants for the 40 breeder Axolotl tank […]
Please grab a cup of coffee! Here is a monster update on all 5 of my tanks to get everyone up to speed: 45g Mixed Reef Tank, 9g planted tank with Celestial Pearl Danio, Cardinal Tetra, and Cherry Shrimp, 10g Budget Reef Tank, 20g Axolotl Tank, and the 150g Reef Aquarium! — Inappropriate Reefer #ReefSquad […]
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