We are going over a lot of changes to the 135g in this update! First we cleaned out the sump of the 135g with the incredibly valued Home Depot Buckethead wet/dry vaccum ($26!), and then Reef Sensei Telegraham (https://www.youtube.com/user/telegraham) came by to help set up the GHL Mini; at the same time, we have added […]
Tis the season for corals! We attended the Mason Dixon Reef Club frag swap at That Fish Place / That Pet Place. Local frag swaps are THE PLACE to get nice and affordable corals! If you have local frag events, be sure to check it out! “Beware of Palytoxin” Tshirt (Amazon): https://amzn.to/2WWco9L #MasonDixonReefClub #FragSwap #ThatPetPlace […]
I had a rocky start in terms of fish with the $146 10g Budget Nano Build. In a previous video we talked about how a baby clownfish disappeared after a few days. While I was away from Youtube, I added another baby clown whom also disappeared after one day! Finally we figured out it was […]
Please grab a cup of coffee! Here is a monster update on all 5 of my tanks to get everyone up to speed: 45g Mixed Reef Tank, 9g planted tank with Celestial Pearl Danio, Cardinal Tetra, and Cherry Shrimp, 10g Budget Reef Tank, 20g Axolotl Tank, and the 150g Reef Aquarium! — Inappropriate Reefer #ReefSquad […]
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