Recently, Yellow Tang’s price has gone to the moon and it is shaping up to continue rising due to the Hawaii ornamental fish ban. It is hard to argue against taking an animal out of it’s natural habitat especially if their natural habitat is perfectly fine, but seeing where the price of yellow tang is […]
Tis the season for corals! We attended the Mason Dixon Reef Club frag swap at That Fish Place / That Pet Place. Local frag swaps are THE PLACE to get nice and affordable corals! If you have local frag events, be sure to check it out! “Beware of Palytoxin” Tshirt (Amazon): #MasonDixonReefClub #FragSwap #ThatPetPlace […]
Every couple months That Fish Place That Pet Place in Lancaster PA would host a coral frag swap. This time it was a swap hosted by Reef Conservation Society. Come join my friends and I as we shop for corals and egg each other on for large purchases… — Inappropriate Reefer #ReefSquad T-Shirt: — […]
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